السبت، 13 أكتوبر 2012

Precious Moments

     Once upon a time there was a man, a true man of his age. He was under 20 in age, but over 30 in mind. He was an angel-like figure. His sister used to feel that he was such  a silly boy. Days, weeks, months past and they become closer. She figured out that he was a true gentle man. He used to tell the truth even if it hurts and kills. He never knew the true meaning of "hypocrisy or Lying" He was a very pure-hearted,with innocent soul,noble nature, and awesome mentality.

     If he feel that you have a problem, he backs you. If you are suffering pain, he will share it with you, and if sadness is surrounding you, he will fill your entire world with happiness. You will never see such care,kindness,splendor,and inner beauty. His absolute happiness is when he feels that you are satisfied and content. His mere sanctification is  when he knows that your dreams come true. With him you will always understand the meaning of

     Suddenly; this dear brother, best friend, and soul mate decided to dedicate his happiness and scarifies his soul for the sake of his sister. He decided to kill himself for her own sake. She felt that she was the one who was going to die. She is lost, desperate, and astray. She didn't know what to do!! her soul was teared into pieces, her heart was split, and her eyes were never dried as her tears were infinite. 

     She realized that this is not goodbyes, this was not the end, and it could never be. She would always remember him, support him, back him, and assist him. She would always be there for him..forever; as long as she was living. 

الأربعاء، 3 أكتوبر 2012

قبور الاحياء

ذاهبة الى عملي صباحاُ فاذا بي أرى مبنُ قديم مهشم و ان جاز لي التعبير "مهلهل" تبدو عليه الكئابه

قد انقيض قلبي عندما رايته للوهلة الاولى

انصتت الى صوت يخرج منه .. نظرت الى باب المبنى القبيح فاذا بي أرى كلمات كتبت عليه تدلى على انها "مدرسه!!!!"

مدرسه؟؟!!!!! كيف لها ان تكون مدرسه؟!

تعجبت كثيراُ و قد وجدتها مكتوب عليها "مدرسه ابتدائيه" فزادت دهشتي..

انتابتني حاله من الذهول والصمت والاشمئزاز والاستعجاب والحسره

أهذه من المفترض ان تكون المكان المفضل لدى الاطفال في السنوات الاولى من تعليمهم الاساسي؟؟!!

أمن المفترض ان ينتمي الطفل لهذا المكان الاشبه بمقابر الموتى العتيقه؟؟!!

كانت دوماُ فكرتي عن المدرسه أنها المكان المفعم بالامل والاشراق والحيويه و البهجه والسرور لترغيب الطفل في التعلم!

ام أكن اعلم أنها قد تحولت الى حاويات قمامه قديمه عفنه أخذت هيئة القبور لدفن من فيها أحياء.........