الاثنين، 7 أكتوبر 2013


Consumers.. Consumers everywhere ! 

I wonder why have we become THAT consumers?! 

People becoming buyers rather than anything else

There is a serious problem

That we buy what we want 

rather than getting only what we need

What shall I call this? 

The ugliness of capitalism? 

or is it the ugliness of our own selves 

Why should I buy dozens of shoes? 

Why should I have a full complete closet?! 

Why should I eat till I reach the peak?! 

Why should I buy something that am not gonna use it except for one time! 

We became materialistic 

Mere materialistic 

And why is that? 

Because we focused on our materialistic needs 

rather than our spiritual needs

Lustful about joys  and desires all the time 

I really wish that we could return back to our HUMANITY ! 

(this pic. is an example of good - for - nothing things that ppl spend money on ) 

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